Hell Hath No Fury (Kelly and Umber Series #2)

Author: Bill Blais

Synopsis: After the horrific events under the streets of New York City, Kelly McGinnis quit the team of demon hunters who had recruited her and did everything she could to put the experience behind her. Six months later, life is nearly normal, complete with bills, school for her children and hospital visits for her husband.

Dreams of Umber --the handsome and intriguing incubus she saved--continue to tease Kelly’s sleep, but it is only when far darker dreams--and worse--begin to infect her children, that Kelly discovers what happens if you stop hunting

They start hunting you.

Bio of the Author: Bill Blais is a writer, web developer and perennial part-time college instructor. His novels include Witness (winner of the Next Generation Indie Book Award for Fantasy) and the Kelly & Umber urban fantasy series. Bill graduated from Skidmore College before earning an MA in Medieval Studies from University College London. He lives in Maine with his wife and daughter.

5/13/2012 01:21:14 pm

It looks a little grainy, but maybe that's just because it's a smaller version? Anyway, the design itself is great. Simple, clean, nice text. Reminds me of some Cthulu-esque creature for some reason. I love the crooked eyes.

5/13/2012 11:21:23 pm

It does look a bit grainy, so I probably sent too small a size (made worse by the ice/snow effect I used), but thanks very much for the comments! My wife came up with using the eyes as a theme for the series.

And thanks (belatedly) to Jess for the post!

5/14/2012 12:48:20 am

I played with the pic for a bit, but unfortunately could not make it any clearer. No problem, the book sounds great!

5/14/2012 01:36:24 am

Thanks, Jess, and thanks for trying to get the image to work, though I'm pretty sure we sent too small a version to begin with. We'll get you a better version.


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